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International Tinder

I’ll be dating abroad. More updates to come.

Every man should be named Gustavo. Because Gustavo is a fabulous sexy name.

First date was doomed.

Remember the guy I was talking to, but hadn’t met yet? I wasn’t catfished, but I met him and didn’t feel the chemistry I thought that I would maybe feel. Perhaps it was too much build up? Who knows. I’ll explain more later.

Also, what if I get catfished!?

There are some sick people out there, but I could possible get catfished. I still have my guard up.

Do you think it’s possible to fall for someone you haven’t met (yet)?

I won’t meet this guy for weeks but he continues to talk to me and it’s been great. I need to take this guy lightly because I can’t imagine it working out. We live in different cities and while I go to his monthly, he doesn’t come to mine.

I’m frustrated right now.

Harvard Harvard… AGAIN…!!!

Just got his profile on Hinge. I am never going to escape this…

Staten Island should’ve been a clue

Decided to just go on a random Tinder date the other night. Didn’t have other plans and the guy seemed like a cutie.

Well, that’s how I ended up on a date with a Staten Island Middle School Gym Teacher.

So cute, so… Well let’s just say that he wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed.

Anyway, after drinking 3 beers and not eating a single thing beforehand, it was quite easy to say I was not… Sober

We left the bar, made out in the street (great kisser, all the um… pretty ones turn out to be great kissers), then he tried to walk me home in the rain. Sadly, I had lost my umbrella at the bar that night.

Ok, I got a little drunky face and left my umbrella there. I admit it.

Anyway, I am sure at one point he tried to cover me with his jacket to which I condescendingly said something along the lines of “no, I got this.”

Boom. Independent woman makes a strong showing.

Then he proceeded to follow me a bit before we made out on the sidewalk, I told him that I was bad news and he was bad news and then left him there and ran away.

He messaged me that he was hurt I left him. I told him I was a jerk. He said he was thinking about why he was bad news. I said, he never had a chance. He said “you blew it” and I managed to say

Honey, I blow a lot of things, but I did not blow that 😉

Wow, I don’t know where I get these lines but I’m a little too proud of that one.

Goodnight Staten Island. Farewell.