Archive | September 2013

Ok, this is out of control: “Harvard Harvard” stupidly appears again.

Ok, months… MONTHS after HE broke it off with me, “Harvard Harvard” just tried to add me to LinkedIn.

That’s insane right?

Yes, I’m going to go with he’s out of his mind.

Failing Friends with Benefits (pre-emptive strike edition)

I’ve decided that of whatever is happening is happening (or not) I’m going to pre-emptively strike by taking away what he thinks he has.

To my friends who ask me why I’m not interested in a long term thing with ECW, it’s because it’d never work. I’d be bitter that he aggressively told me he was into me when he was drunk and told me he never did more because he was afraid that he’d get fired.

Well I quit that last job in May and he had until that August when I started this thing back up to come after me.

I wasn’t worthy.

And I would always resent him for that.

Anyway, to pre-emptive strike, I’m going to remove my interest from him and shut the door for a bit. If he wants back in, he’s going to have to work for it. So no texting, block him from new posts on Facebook, etc. Just give him a sign that this girl is not easy to beat. He’ll be on MY hook.

Failing Friends with Benefits (Part 5)

I’m at it again.

I demanded an apology from ECW.

And I got it.

He wrote to me “hey there” and I just said “Seriously? No.” And he quickly got extremely frustrated with me by telling me I need to chill (seriously dude?).

I told him I was upset because he didn’t respect my time and I NEVER allow other people to make me feel like shit and he somehow managed to do it. All I wanted was an apology and he said he was sorry and that he’d give me one I person.

So we met up for drinks the next night. I went completely overboard. 3 pours of whiskey and 2 whiskey based cocktails.

Let’s say I don’t remember too much after that.

I woke up (alone) in my apartment but everything was intact. Keys on my door hook. Shoes by the door. All my clothing. It’s all there.

Except my memory.

Then we texted the next day (I was really hurting) and I was at dinner when he messaged that he was at a bar we had talked about. While texting, my friends who I was at dinner with…were joking around with me and I texted “My friends at dinner are like “uh… What is going on? Is that a booty call?” Then I wrote “they just yelled at me for texting that.”

He wrote “lol” and “oh god” but I said he should come over in an hour. He, now respecting my time, said that he was with friends and didn’t want me to wait.

So that’s fine. The ball is in his court. If he doesn’t want to talk again, a whatever. If he does, great. I just realize that I need to start looking for my serious relationship and focus on that (and my job!!).

Failing Friends with Benefits (post mini freak-out)

Ok. What am I doing.

Apparently I am meeting up with him tomorrow so he can apologize to me in person.

Don’t ask. This is absolutely idiotic. I’ve never really been one to get really angry, but he totally got under my skin.

More details tomorrow.

Failing Friends with Benefits (mini freak-out)

After 4.5 days of radio silence. Facebook Messages: “Hi there.”

I didn’t want to respond but my weak willpower got me to say:

“Seriously? No.”