Archive | October 2013

(500) Days of Me and A New Chapter

500 days after first meeting ECW, I decided to end things. Only, I didn’t tell him I was ending things. In reality, I just decided to stop messaging him and responding to him.


It was time, but really, I met someone else.

I realized I was abusing myself by letting my silly friends with benefits fling go on. It wasn’t benefiting anyone.

Who is this someone else? Well, he isn’t mine. Yet. Well, I’d like that yet to happen. But this man, who I’ll refer to as DC, because that’s where he lives, reminded me that I deserved better. He reminded me what it was like to have someone talk to you and want to talk to you. To want to get to know you and not attempt to get into my pants every moment.

He says good morning and good night and lets me know that he is thinking of me. He remembers what I like and compliments me when he gets a chance.

I can talk to him without having to think too much about what I say because I know he will laugh and enjoy it, even the stupid or the snobby.

He tells me about himself and I listen. I want to know and I am interested.

I regret not letting him know more about how I felt when I met him. I was still a bit hung up over ECW. But I am glad I will get a second chance, but worried it may go completely wrong.

I worry about timing. I met him in another city, where there may have been magic that is now lost. I worry he may meet someone else or may not feel the same anymore. I worry he did not feel the same at all.

I miss him terribly when we don’t talk. I barely know him but I feel like I’ve known him forever.

I think about him all the time, but feel comforted and not insane when we aren’t talking.

I miss him and can’t wait to see him again.